Moving Van Companies - How To Make Accurate Judgments Based On Customer Feedback
Published on Friday, 28 March 2014

Moving Van Companies - How To Make Accurate Judgments Based On Customer FeedbackIt's great that the internet offers prospective customers a chance to read the comments of past clients ahead of deciding to commit with a set of relocation experts. This said however, you're going to come across some pretty illiterate past clients. Sadly, a lot of these people offer only short and cynical remarks in their assessment of a certain removals UK company. While it does of course pay to be mindful of comments like this stacked up against any particular company, you should also learn to dismiss poorly thought out comments.Indeed, if such comments seem consistent among customers, even across a single thread, be sure to fish around long enough in search of that one comment that actually explains why a set of movers is apparently bad. As a general rule, always look for those single paragraph responses listing all the categories of expected service in regards to how they were delivered by the company in question. For example, while persons A and B may say things like "really bad", or, "awful", person C may say something like this, "the two men and van were helpful across lifting but forgot to ask us specifically of any unique requests we had ahead of moving. We found this off-putting and later spent a good ten minutes explaining how we wanted our precious antiques placed in the London moving van."  Not difficult to distinguish between a good comment and a bad comment is it? Person C's insight is good in that it's both short and informative. Sure, they could have gone into a full depth review of how each item was moved, before rating individual performances across at least two man and van workers, but few people are going to bother reading something too long, regardless of how useful it may be. While these helpful hint of advice ought to give you tips in later writing your own review, for now our emphasis is simply on reading comments broadly, but briefly, and determining how best to process all key points raised. Repetition is perhaps the best way to know a removals company is either good or bad. For instance, should person D second person C's point about a lack of attention to customer specifics, then you might want to look elsewhere should you value your own specific requirements very highly. Another thing you'll notice in comments is excessive praise across certain things, especially those that would appear to make a company unique. For example, person E might say, "their knowledge of how to pack the van in the most economical way was second to none", while the next commenter reaffirms such a positive trait of the company, weighing in with something like "the van was packed so neatly that there was even ample spare room left over". So, in the case of these two comments in particular, we can instantly see how two different people effectively point out the same thing. Another really promising aspect of this type of recurring praise is that usually the person will deliver the comment without even bothering to look at those already existing beneath it. This means that their comment is unbiased and not at all influenced by the posts underneath. So it signals a true appreciation of something. Take these things into consideration and make applications to your own proposed move.In concluding our mini discussion on what to look for in customer feedback and how it can best inform your own move, you should stick to the general principle of finding the specific over the generic and even make a list elsewhere on your computer, like via the note pad function, of what these specifics actually are. Should you do this, be sure to match each specific, be it a good or bad judgement made on something, with the removal company in question. The last thing you want to do is match bad comments of specific things with a company that is actually worth quite good.

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